Saturday, December 25, 2010

So Sorry This Is So Late

I can't believe it has almost been a year since my last post, I am so sorry. I need to get back to blogging, I really miss it. It has been a busy year, with lots going on in our Family, some really great news, some not so great, but thats life.

I will try to be better in 2011 at blogging. Facebook has taken up alot of my time, but not everybody has a Facebook account, and Facebook doesn't allow me to be creative either.

Stay tuned for coming attractions in the Elledge Family. See you soon!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Grand Kids

Here are some pictures of the boys from our Christmas celebration. Joy & Mason put together a Lego airplane, he was so proud of it. The boys are getting so big, and are such beautiful blessings to us. Enjoy!