Thursday, February 26, 2009

One of My Little Cuties!

Gretchen sent me a picture of David today and I thought I would share it with all our followers. Can you believe he is about to be 14 months old. He is not totally walking yet, but takes a few steps here and there. Gretch' says she believes he is going to be the daredevil of the family.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This is a picture of a Bromeliad. There were several of these at the Gaylord Texan when we were there for Valentines Day. They were so beautiful. They were planted around some of the trees there.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!

We had a special Valentines Day today, I went to my friend Jena's to get my hair cut, and then went to lunch at the Hard Eight Barbecue House in Coppell for some terrific Barbecue! It was so good. Then it was on to the Gaylord Texan to spend some time together in our favorite place here in town. It was decorated with pink azaleas, and ivy, and lots of other pretty plants. We walked around the whole place a couple times, enjoyed the peace & quiet, and being with each other. We also sat several places then had coffee (and water). It was very nice and we had a great time just being together. I hope you all had a beautiful day with your special someone.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Steelers WON the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!

I have been having a heart attack the whole last quarter of the game, and was holding my breath there for a while, but the Steelers WON the Super Bowl. Six Rings - unprecidented!

What a Game, the hairs on my arms are still standing up.

The Steelers are Kickin Butt!!

First half is over and The Steelers are Kickin' Butt 17-7. Keep it goin' guys, GO STEELERS!!!