Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010

Wishing our wonderful family and friends the most blessed year in 2010. Wishing everyone peace, great health, much prosperity, and much love this year. I am greatful for the life that our God has blessed me with, there are many new things on the horizon this year and I am sure that this is going to be our best year yet.
I am anxious to see what our God has in store for our family this year, an upcoming wedding, our beautiful Grandsons, continued great health and a loving family. Thank you God for all my beautiful blessings.
Happy New Year everybody. May your blessings be abundant in 2010.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas!

I finally got my wish for a white Christmas in Texas! It started snowing this afternoon, and although it is a trace, it is still snow.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa's House

We took Mason & David to see Santa's part time home in Rowlett this evening, although we didn't get to see the jolly old elf, the boys were excited, and Mason was estatic to be standing in front of Santa Claus' house. We had such a good time looking at lights that evening.

You can tell by that wide eyed wonder in a Masons eyes David didn't have a clue, he just liked the lights.

We went to the square in downtown Garland and walked around and took some pictures of them in front of the tree.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Beautiful Day

We had a beautiful day today visiting with our family on Thanksgiving. We went to Vernon's Dads house and enjoyed all the flavors of Thanksgiving. As usual it was sensational, and everyone ate way too much. It was so great to be with everybody sharing the blessing of family. Then went to Jenny & Tabs new house, and ate even more and played one of the Partini games at the kitchen table. We got to see our little doodlebugs, Mason and David.
Having a day off of work, eating awesome food until your about to pop, and being with a loving family, PRICELESS.
I hope all of you had a beautiful day as well.


Wishing everybody a beautiful day today filled full with Lifes essential gifts: Our FATHER, Faith, Family, Friends, Fellowship, Food & Fun. May each and everyone have a safe beautiful day. Know that each of you have blessed my life immeasurably and I am so grateful that you are in my life.

Before the sun sets today, open your heart and tell the most important people in your life that they are YOUR blessing from God our Father.

Love to all of you.

P.S. Be safe if you venture out for Black Friday sales, we are leaving at 3:30 a.m., and for the fist time Vernon is going too. He's in for a BIG shock and surprise. He does not like shopping at all, this will be an experience for him.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More Posts to Come

My camera has lots of pictures and lots of stories. Bear with me, and I will try to get them posted as soon as I can. I have back dated them in the order they have occurred. Check posts from October on, as they are new.

See ya later.

Service With a Smile

Four new tires, checked the oil, windshield washed, and a fill up. Don't you miss those full service gas stations?
This was one of Dale Jr.'s Pit Stops, do you think these guys have on the job STRESS? This picture was from the Dickies 500 on Sunday, November 8th, at the Texas Motor Speedway.

This picture is from Saturday, November 7th at the O'Reilly 300, driver Tony Raines, # 34.

What Does 200 MPH Look Like???

If you have ever wondered what 200 miles an hour looks like, here it is. Turn up your speakers for the full effect.

From the Dickies 500 at the Texas Motor Speedway on November 8, 2009.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Miss Bee

Yes, Brooke has a Halloween costume, no wait Two! She was a Bee and a Pumpkin for Halloween. I will have to add the pumpkin at a later date.

She was so cute.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Anaconda on My Front Porch

I cannot believe that I am blogging about a S N A K E. I came home from grocery shopping and unloaded groceries from the car, and passed by it twice, and on the third pass, I saw it, and about dropped all of the groceries. GROSS! I called Vernon who was not home at the time and told him there was a snake on the front porch. I took this picure blindly by reaching around the corner with my right hand and holding the door open with my left hand. The second time I tried to spy on him, he got startled and jumped, and I FREAKED. When Vernon got home, I showed him through the glass door where it was and told him to get rid of it - Kill it. He said it is "just a grass snake", and I said "IT'S A SNAKE", need I say more. He went to grab it, and it took off through a small hole beside the front door, great. It's not enough that I have to watch for snakes at work, but not I have to watch out for them at home. Of course I haven't seem it again, thank God, but not so sure that I won't come into the foyer some day, and be a "All Grown Up Snake" laying there. Then we will have to sell the house, of course, given I live through it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Back Yard Campout

Back on October 4th we were registered to attend the Great Garland Camp Out, which was a overnight camp out in Audubon Park here in Garland. We are so excited as Mason was going to go with us, but due to low enrollment, it was cancelled at the last minute. Try explaining that to a 6 year old, so we did the next best thing, we had a camp out in the back yard. Vernon and Mason pitched the tent in the back yard, we borrowed an air mattress from some dear friends, and had plenty of blankets in the tent just off the back porch. We built a fire in the fire pit, roasted hot dogs on the "campfire" and roasted marshmallows to make smores. Mason loves smores, and had the best time that weekend.

It got down into the upper 50's that night, and got quite cold after the fire went out. Mason put his fleece on sometime during the night, and was very cold when we got up - (as soon as the birds woke up), when I asked him why he didn't wake me up when he got cold. his response was "I just wanted to stay in the tent Nana."

He had the best time, and so did we. We will most assuredly be making that a tradition.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

God Is Soooo Good

Dad had a heart catherization today at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, and they were going to assess the situation with the stent that was put in his heart 11 years ago. They were possibly going to repair or replace the stent.
He came through the surgery with flying colors and is doing well, and is on his way home.
God you are so amazing, thank you so much, thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful earthly Father, and for guiding the surgeons hands through this surgery. My Heavenly Father is awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Eight years ago today was a very sad day for our country. This was the one most horrific event of my generation so far. It changed America that day, and not for the better in my opinion. I know that every day is a blessing that we get to be on this earth, but I want peace for our country that my kids & grand kids will inherit from my generation, and for them not to ever live in fear.

I remember being glued to our TV every waking moment eight years ago for days and days. I remember trying to call out on my cell phone the morning the planes hit the Twin Towers, which seemed like hours and the lines being clogged with millions of calls at the same time. I tried to call my husband and family, and was so glad when I finally got to take my turn for a call and finally reached them. I remember going to the store the next day and getting poster board & markers to put a 4' x 5' sign on the front of the house that said "God Bless Our Country", and staying up to 5:00 in the morning making it. The sign stayed on the house for months, until the weather got the best of it, but the sentiment never changes. I remember being terrified for the major metropolitan area that we lived in. I remember gathering several boxes of supplies to keep in the garage in case of a chemical attack. I packed batteries, a radio, canned food, water, changes of clothes, masks, rolls of tape, rolls of plastic to seal off the upstairs of our house, so that we could stay downstairs, seal the windows and doors in the event of chemical attack. I packed books and games for us to keep our minds occupied. I remember being scared to go too far away from home that if we were attacked that I couldn't get home to be with my family. I remember trying to urge my teenage daughters with their drivers licenses and their own cars to stay close to the house, or stay at home in case something happened and I would never see them again. I remember being terrified to fly, and didn't fly for a few years, I still hate to fly. I remember our troops being called up to go to Afghanistan to fight the War on Terror and eight years later we are no closer to finding Bin Laden & Al Queda than we were in those early days when they were hot on their trail. I remember the stock market taking such a hit that it crippled our financial markets, and still today are feeling the effects. I heard tonight that ironically, the Dow bottomed out the day of September 11, 2001 at 9610, and today, September 11, 2009, eight years later, finished the exact same 9610. What irony.

Eight years ago today 2,974 Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Sons, Daughters, & Friends were lost in a senseless tragedy in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the Pentagon near Washington, D.C., and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and made us fear for the first time in my generation. Those 2,974 people were going about their normal daily lives and were taken in the blink of an eye, and suffered a horrible death. I hope my kids & grand kids never have to live that fear.

Thank you to our Troops who continue to fight for our Freedom and the privilege to be an American. Every day one or more of our Servicemen are lost in this plight. My prayer is that each one of them get to come home to be with their families and be honored for their sacrifice for the rest of their lives.

One of the positive emotions that came out of this tragedy in those early days, was compassion. People went out of their way to be kind to their neighbors and strangers, more gentle and passionate for our Country. I hope it doesn't take a tragedy for our Country to come together again, as I think we have forgotten that emotion in dealing with this cruel fate these days. With the millions of people in financial ruin today, who are out of work, who are hungry and homeless. For the millions who have worked their whole lives only now to watch their world crumble around them and loose what they have worked so hard for. I think all of this started 8 years ago today. I hope I will live long enough to see our world recover & peaceful for the sake of my kids & grand kids.
Thank you Father God for my beautiful Family, for our Country and the priviledge to live as an American. Please proect our Troops if it be your will and bring them home safe and soon. Lay your healing hands upon those grieving the loss of their loved ones who died 8 years ago today, and bring them peace. Thank you for all my blessings that you bestow on me every moment of my life. Amen.
We Shall Never Forget!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Dear Friends Journey

Here is a post for our beautiful friends T.K. & Deidrea Laux, their son was diagnosed early last year with Trisomy 13, an abnormality in the chromosomes and had a beautiful son, for only a short while. He knew only love in his short little life, but left a big impact on so many. He was such a beautiful blessing, if only for a moment in time.

Click on the video of the journey through pregnancy, birth & passing of their beautiful son, Thomas Gordon Laux. He was born June 29, 2009 & passed July 4th - 5 days later.

This is the article that was on the front page of the Dallas Morning News today. It is part one of a beautiful story. Click on the link.

Carrollton couple finds support to deal with unborn son's terminal condition News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth Dallas Morning News

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Dooo for BrookeLynne

BrookeLynne got her new haircut yesterday, and is so cute. She looked adorable before with her furry look, but her Poppy wanted her to have a new hair cut.



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Class of 2021

Mr. Model First Grader, striking a pose.

Our Darlin' is growing up. He started his first day of First Grade today. Can you believe how these kids are growing up. Time flies when you're havin' fun!

Future Class President of 2021

Before you know it David will be sitting here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Leslie's New Car

Leslie stopped by tonight to show us her new car. She got a 2010 Kia Rio today. You can barely hear it run and has lots of room for a small car. It is a pretty burnt orange color. Congratulations Andy & Leslie on the new hot wheels.

Joy's First Day of School

Today was Joy's first day of 11th grade. She is so excited for her Astronomy class, and Physics. She was so excited to see all her friends, and also the Freshman from the rollerskating rink where she works.

The Weekends Over

Getting ready for bed. Vernon was waiting for me to get done in the shower. BrookeLynne keeping her Poppy company.
We finally got to use our shower for the first time in years tonight. It was awesome. Vernon recaulked the tub a couple weeks ago, and I was so ready to use the shower. When I went to get a shower, the stopper had corroded shut from the years of not using it. So we finally got a new nozzle thingee yesterday. I was so ready to finally use it & pulled up the stopper thing to make the shower start, and the water barely came out of the shower head and had like NO water pressure, and I thought great. Vernon looked at the shower head and the pressure setting was turned way down, and so he fixed it and finally was able to use the shower. It was the best, I really missed it. That is how most things happen in the Elledge home.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fun Weekend with David

David spent the night Saturday, and we have to put up the baby gate to keep him contained in one place. He was throwing a major fit when we would put it up. This picture is of him trying to escape jail. Click on the picture and look at his eyes. He is too funny!
He finally played out around 10:00 p.m.

Reved up and ready to go on Sunday morning. He kept freaking me out when I would be in the kitchen cooking, as he would stand on the arm of the couch and play peek with me in the kitchen, but he would not hold on to anything, and just stand there. I was sure he was going to fall off. Thankfully he didn't.

My serious side.

Terrorizing the dog.

He has such a beautiful smile. He fell off the chair at his house last week and put his teeth through his lower lip. Ouch! Thats what happens to a daredevil. He is such a little daredevil, I think Gretchen and Mark are going to have their hands full one of these days. He is taking after his Papa Yanik. He is going to be our race car driver, and the one what rides his bike off the roof of the house.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Let Go of My Lego's

Mason, Papa & I built a jet from a Lego's kit tonight. Mason & I went to Walmart late this afternoon and bought a kit that makes a helicopter, jet & propeller airplane. I haven't put Lego's together in years, and I got down on the floor on my stomach holding myself up with my elbows, and was like that for almost an hour, and I could not hardly get up. My whole body got so stiff, definitely telling me that I am to old to be on the floor. We had a good time putting it together though, Mason is so good at just looking at the picture on the box and putting it together without the directions. His Nana had to read the directions.

Vacation Bible School

We had Vacation Bible School at Lakeview on yesterday (Saturday) and the kids had fun, the theme this year was the Crossing Guard, which is why the volunteers had the safety vests on.

Norman Frey was the "Hot Dog Chef"

All had a great lunch to work up the energy to finish the day on the ...

SLIP & SLIDE! Too much fun and too cool on such a hot day.

Ethan Trammell

Mason Norwood

Thanks to all the volunteers who made the event a great one for all the staff, you are all Super Hero's!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Weekend with the Grandkids!

A couple weekends ago, we kept Mason & David overnight, it was a busy time, but we had fun too. We started out eating dinner and then getting ready for bed as they came early in the evening.

Eating home made blueberry pancakes and strawberries on Sunday morning.

Nana didn't even have time to get dressed yet for the day, and then we had to take a group nap, YEAH! (Notice the gate in the background to trap us all in the living room).

Mr. David Sunshine, his future is so bright he needs shades!

A good time was had by all.

Almost Friday & Reminiscing

I am so ready for it to be Friday @ 5:00 p.m., which I am wishing way too much anymore, yep, wishin' my life away, AGAIN! Mason is coming over to spend the weekend and going to Vacation Bible School on Saturday at our Church.
Vernon and I were sitting at the dinner table tonight saying that we can't wait to see the Grand kids again, and how I don't think our Grandparents could say the same thing. I know they loved us, but we didn't do really fun things with our Grandparents. I only remember staying with my Grandpa & Grandma Schrecengost one time when my Mom was in the hospital having my youngest sister. However, my Grandpa & Grandma Rupp, I spent most of the summers with them because I picked strawberries, red & black raspberries which came into season throughout the summer. We only went to Church on Sundays, went to town once a week, or went to a funeral. But I always had a blast with them because they lived on the farm, and there was always stuff to do there, fun stuff. There was always lots of work, but as I look at it now, bailing hay, shoveling grain, feeding & watering the calves, cows & horses, pitchin' poop, putting up corn, cleaning the milk house, putting the cows out to pasture, leading them to the watering trough, mowing the grass with the riding mower, those were great times in my life. I got to know my Moms folks for several years. We would always come in for lunch and have leftovers from the night before, but always have home made bread & butter. Grandma always made about 15-20 loaves of fresh bread every week, some to trade the neighbor for fresh churned butter, or the egg lady for farm fresh eggs. But the rest was for breakfast, lunch, dinner & a bed time snack. Could that be the pre-curser of my weight problem today??????
Well I was about to collapse in bed from the weeks exhaustion, and then started remembering & reliving what my Grandparents meant to me in this posting. I really, really miss them, those were some of the best days of my life, and I didn't even know it. Imagine that. I know they are watching over me from their heavenly home along with my darling David. Good night to my heavenly angels, please always watch over my family and myself and keep us safe from harm. I have always loved you all dearly.
Good Night to All, until the next posting. Sweet Dreams!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rain & Cooler Temps!

We have had over 4 inches of rain in the last 2 days. Everything is starting to turn back to green again, instead of burnt orange. And that is 84 degrees, at 8:00 p.m. YES!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Potluck Bon Voyage to John & Myrna

Lots of goodies at the potluck at Church on Sunday for John & Myrna Schroy. They are dedicated and faithful servants for Our Lord, and have been such a blessing for our Church, and now they will be blessing another Church in Missouri. Best of Luck to you both John & Myrna, and we will miss you so much. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for Lakeview Christian Church. We will see you when you are visiting!

Treasured Church Family

June, Ginger & Merle

Some of our dear friends & treasured Church family. We said so long for now to a couple from our Church, who are retiring and moving to Missouri. John & Myrna Schroy will surely be missed at Church, but fortunately they have to come here to visit their family, so its "So Long, for Now". This picture was of another couple from Church and my dear friend Ginger, the Church held a pot luck lunch after Church for John & Myrna.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Davids New Toy

My Brother-in-Law, David got a beautiful new Camaro. We are all salivating over this beauty. It sounds awesome and is one big and bad to the bone car. Boy is it gorgeous! Congrats David, it is soooooo you!