Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rain & Cooler Temps!

We have had over 4 inches of rain in the last 2 days. Everything is starting to turn back to green again, instead of burnt orange. And that is 84 degrees, at 8:00 p.m. YES!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Potluck Bon Voyage to John & Myrna

Lots of goodies at the potluck at Church on Sunday for John & Myrna Schroy. They are dedicated and faithful servants for Our Lord, and have been such a blessing for our Church, and now they will be blessing another Church in Missouri. Best of Luck to you both John & Myrna, and we will miss you so much. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for Lakeview Christian Church. We will see you when you are visiting!

Treasured Church Family

June, Ginger & Merle

Some of our dear friends & treasured Church family. We said so long for now to a couple from our Church, who are retiring and moving to Missouri. John & Myrna Schroy will surely be missed at Church, but fortunately they have to come here to visit their family, so its "So Long, for Now". This picture was of another couple from Church and my dear friend Ginger, the Church held a pot luck lunch after Church for John & Myrna.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Davids New Toy

My Brother-in-Law, David got a beautiful new Camaro. We are all salivating over this beauty. It sounds awesome and is one big and bad to the bone car. Boy is it gorgeous! Congrats David, it is soooooo you!

Sleepy Little Brookelynne

Monday, July 20, 2009

San Antonio Bound

Joy left for San Antonio this morning with her friend Cassie and her Grandparents. They are going to the Alamo, the Riverwalk, and Sea World then on to Austin to see the Bats. Joy called this afternoon and was so excited, but scared that their room was on the 10th floor, and the elevator to & from anything was glass. She called from the outlet mall in San Marcos, from the Coach store and was telling me about the prices for things there. She is having a great time, and due back on Thursday, then on Sunday, she leaves for Missouri for her CIY (Christ In Youth) youth trip through Church.

Furry Friends

Furry friends like ice cream too. Vernon was eating an ice cream cone and Brooke was begging, as usual.

Baby girl, sleeping and enjoying the air conditioning.

Masons New Shirt

There was a hysterical shirt at Kohls on Saturday, that we had to get. Gretchen says that the shirt is very fitting. His favorite cartoon is Sponge Bob Square Pants, but they shirt says, "How May I Annoy You Today? And to top it off, it glows in the dark. Too funny.

Sunday with Mason

Mason spent the night with us on Saturday night, before Church he and Vernon went on a short motorcycle ride while it was cooler outside. He absolutely loves the motorcycle, and always asks Papa to take him for a ride. We went to Church tlater, and he wanted to go to Long John Silvers for fish at lunch. On the way home, a thunder shower came through and we took a (well needed) nap in the rain. It rained another 1/2 inch today.

Haunz and Fraunz are here to "Pump You Up!"

Wonderful Replanishing Rain

We had 1 & 1/2 inches of rain on Thursday night, it was so welcome and replenishing. This is my Sago palm and the Blue Daze in the hanging pot. They sure did love the rain as well as all the other plants.

Saturday Shopping

Of course while the guys were working on the A/C, it was way too hot in the house to stay there, so Gretchen and I took the boys shopping & for lunch. Not a good idea on a warm day. This was when they got to the house this morning, during a very short nap. They are my little Darlins.

and this was during the trip. They are sooooooo cute, such happy boys.

Houston We Have -- AIR

How awesome is it to finally have air conditioning that works, you have no idea! Mark and Vernon did a terific job in terrible conditions to get us to have reliable & efficient air conditioning. For the first time in many, many summers, when I put the thermostat on 75, it is actually 75 and it wasn't 2:00 in the morning when I did it. The last picture is like a dream come true. Click on the picture to enlarge it for the detail. Now we are awaiting the sticker shock of the electric bill, which still hasn't come yet.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Out With The Old And In With The New

Our Son-In-Law Mark installed our new heating & air conditioning system yesterday with Vernons help. I felt so sorry for them as it was a pretty warm day, (greatfully not in the 100's for a change) they were blistered & worn out by the end of the day. Poor Mark was soaking wet from his head to his knees from sweat. Both had to crawl around in the attic through all the insulation & had fiberglass all over them. I pray that neither of them got fiberglass in their lungs, as it was even too hot for a mask. Mark & Vernon, you are awesome! Thank you, thank you.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Better Late than Never

I know this is a little late, but I wanted to post Masons kindergarten graduation picture. I can't believe he is old enough to even be in school, but is about to start 1st grade this fall. There is one of his teacher Ms. Logston, and his "Wall of Fame" picture. We got him a season pass to his favorite water park for his "reward" for working so hard in school, and doing a good job.

My how fast time flys. Before you know it David will be in this picture.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

To Be Or Not To Be --- COOL

Greetings from our bedroom again, seems like we are being held captive here in these 4 walls, at least its cooler than the rest of the house. The rest of the house is too warm today. I went to get us something for lunch at Walmart today as it is too hot to even be in the kitchen. We had hot wings & okra, which both of us ate for about $4.00, I love a bargain. Incidentally, my last posting was "Hot Like Haites" well here's the proof. This is on our shaded patio @ 1:37 p.m. this afternoon. I believe that's 114 degrees. Yikes!


This is a preview of the next 7 days weather forecast. And about the 3rd full week of over 100 degree temperature's. We spent the day trying to stay cool, the A/C is running on its last leg, and was a balmy 83 degrees in the house by noon. We dropped my car off at the shop to be worked on next week, came home and stayed in our bedroom (where we have a window A/C unit), and took a nap, then got up later and went to Walmart where it wasn't much cooler. Trying to save on the electric bill by staying in one place. I'm sure I will be in "Sticker Shock" when the e-mail arrives that says "Your electric bill is ready for your review".

Grandsons Sleep Over

A couple weeks ago, David and Mason spent the night with us. We had a good time playing with them. David is so full of energy, I can't believe I actually got a picture that turned out. He is so fast & furious that the pictures are blurry that I take of him, because he is faster than the speed of light. Mason is such a big help keeping up with him. They are so cute. This was just after their baths.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Big 50!

Vernon made me dinner for my birthday, and stopped at Brooklyn's brought home some amazing garlic rolls to go with his famous Spaghetti & Grilled Sausage. Some of the kids came over to visit. Our dear friends Don & Ginger brought over a big birthday cake that was awesome. The boys were in their usual state of "Cuteness". Fortunately was a low key evening, as I wasn't dealing with the realization that I was actually 50. How in the world can I be 50 years old, where has the time gone.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a lot of blogging time, we have cleaned carpets, cleaned house, windows, etc. since Thursday after work. All the things I have not been able to do in a while because of my back, knee & hips. I must say I feel pretty good, only having to take a few pain pills this whole time. I've scrubbed most of the carpet in the house, the kids did their rooms and the stairs, but I have been up on step ladders, washing windows, cleaning ceiling fans, and working like a fool for 2 & 1/2 days, and just finished for the day a little while ago.
It is like 104 outside today, which with the help of our new window air conditioner unit downstairs, kept it a cool 79 degrees running full blast today, the window unit is assisting the central air conditioner to work. Otherwise, it is would be 10 degrees cooler in the house than the outside temperature. Thankfully we have a window unit upstairs in our bedroom that helps at night. Our room is the southwest corner of the house, and gets the flaming hot sun of the afternoon and evening. We are now working (our paychecks) for the electric company.
P.S. Vernon promises me by next summer, we can get a central air conditioner that actually facilitates the size of our house. We believed a shady air conditioner repairman several years ago when one July weekend the original central unit went out on a Saturday, and the temperature inside the house reached 102. He promised us that if we could wait till after work on Monday that he could cut us a deal which was about 1/4 of the price he tried to sell us while he was "on the job". Of course we bit, and has been a pain in the ass since. Fortunately our son in law Mark is now an A/C technician, and has been helping us get through the summer, and is going to help us to get another one. Yeah Mark!!!!!!!!!!