Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Steelers are Gonna Win the Super Bowl!!!

The Steelers are gonna win the Super Bowl, 'cause they are bad to the bone!

GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Please Pray

Our family doctor & her husband were in a serious motorcycle accident on October 30th, in Tennessee, but we did not learn the severity of their injuries until just yesterday. She had multiple fractures but is now back to work part time, however her husband is still in ICU with a traumatic brain injury. He sustained multiple fractures as well. And is if that is not bad enough their infant Granddaughter contracted Meningitis and died a week later, on November 6th. I cannot even begin to imagine Dr. Richards' anguish at this time. I would like to add the Richards family to your prayers and to pray that Satan's dark cloud be taken away from this family, and for strength & healing for their bodies & broken hearts. Thank you so much.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Davids First Birthday

I can't believe he is a year old. His Nana & Papa Elledge got him some DVD's & his own special box to keep them in for his Birthday. He is just the cutest little boy. His Guardian Angel PaPa Yanik is looking down from Heaven and smiling. He is another blonde hair blue eyed handsome little boy. He is going to be a real heart breaker some day.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Beautiful Night for a Moonlight Walk

Joy and I went to Walmart tonight and saw the most beautiful moon on the way home. And of course I had to run right in the house and leave the groceries on the counter to get the camera and go take some pictures. I went out to Lake Ray Hubbard a couple miles from the house, these pictures were from the waters edge. It was a beautiful cold crisp night, but it is about to get a whole lot colder here in Texas. I think the high on Thursday is only to be in the 30's. Brrrrrrrr!!!
Click on the pictures to make them better to see.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sad News

Justin Goldinger, who was critically injured in a small engine plane crash on Sunday,** passed away this afternoon. The test they ran this afternoon showed no blood flow to the brain and the family took him off of life support and donated his organs, so that others would live through this tragedy. Please remember the families of Mark & Jana Goldinger and Russ & Gwen Barrett from Dayton, Pennsylvania.
**The news article is in an earlier BLOG post from Tuesday, January 6, 2009.
Attached is a link to an article in the Indiana Gazette back home on January 9th.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Birthday To My Beautiful Darlin!

Happy Birthday Little David. We hope you feel better soon. We can't believe you are year old today.

Hugs & Kisses,

Your Nana & Papa Elledge

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Please keep the Goldinger & Barrett family in your prayers as a result of a small engine plane crash back home in Pennsylvania. All survived the crash but Justin Goldinger is in critical condition. I have added a link to the news details.

Also, prayers for our precious little darlin' David, who has pneumonia in his right lung. He is doing better today, but is on breathing treatments and a second round of antibiotics. Incidentally, he will turn a year old tomorrow. Happy Birthday little love.

And, keep Doris Jean Hayes in your prayers. She had recent surgery and hopefully getting out of intensive care soon.

Thanks so much,

With love,
