Thursday, September 17, 2009

God Is Soooo Good

Dad had a heart catherization today at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, and they were going to assess the situation with the stent that was put in his heart 11 years ago. They were possibly going to repair or replace the stent.
He came through the surgery with flying colors and is doing well, and is on his way home.
God you are so amazing, thank you so much, thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful earthly Father, and for guiding the surgeons hands through this surgery. My Heavenly Father is awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Eight years ago today was a very sad day for our country. This was the one most horrific event of my generation so far. It changed America that day, and not for the better in my opinion. I know that every day is a blessing that we get to be on this earth, but I want peace for our country that my kids & grand kids will inherit from my generation, and for them not to ever live in fear.

I remember being glued to our TV every waking moment eight years ago for days and days. I remember trying to call out on my cell phone the morning the planes hit the Twin Towers, which seemed like hours and the lines being clogged with millions of calls at the same time. I tried to call my husband and family, and was so glad when I finally got to take my turn for a call and finally reached them. I remember going to the store the next day and getting poster board & markers to put a 4' x 5' sign on the front of the house that said "God Bless Our Country", and staying up to 5:00 in the morning making it. The sign stayed on the house for months, until the weather got the best of it, but the sentiment never changes. I remember being terrified for the major metropolitan area that we lived in. I remember gathering several boxes of supplies to keep in the garage in case of a chemical attack. I packed batteries, a radio, canned food, water, changes of clothes, masks, rolls of tape, rolls of plastic to seal off the upstairs of our house, so that we could stay downstairs, seal the windows and doors in the event of chemical attack. I packed books and games for us to keep our minds occupied. I remember being scared to go too far away from home that if we were attacked that I couldn't get home to be with my family. I remember trying to urge my teenage daughters with their drivers licenses and their own cars to stay close to the house, or stay at home in case something happened and I would never see them again. I remember being terrified to fly, and didn't fly for a few years, I still hate to fly. I remember our troops being called up to go to Afghanistan to fight the War on Terror and eight years later we are no closer to finding Bin Laden & Al Queda than we were in those early days when they were hot on their trail. I remember the stock market taking such a hit that it crippled our financial markets, and still today are feeling the effects. I heard tonight that ironically, the Dow bottomed out the day of September 11, 2001 at 9610, and today, September 11, 2009, eight years later, finished the exact same 9610. What irony.

Eight years ago today 2,974 Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Sons, Daughters, & Friends were lost in a senseless tragedy in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the Pentagon near Washington, D.C., and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and made us fear for the first time in my generation. Those 2,974 people were going about their normal daily lives and were taken in the blink of an eye, and suffered a horrible death. I hope my kids & grand kids never have to live that fear.

Thank you to our Troops who continue to fight for our Freedom and the privilege to be an American. Every day one or more of our Servicemen are lost in this plight. My prayer is that each one of them get to come home to be with their families and be honored for their sacrifice for the rest of their lives.

One of the positive emotions that came out of this tragedy in those early days, was compassion. People went out of their way to be kind to their neighbors and strangers, more gentle and passionate for our Country. I hope it doesn't take a tragedy for our Country to come together again, as I think we have forgotten that emotion in dealing with this cruel fate these days. With the millions of people in financial ruin today, who are out of work, who are hungry and homeless. For the millions who have worked their whole lives only now to watch their world crumble around them and loose what they have worked so hard for. I think all of this started 8 years ago today. I hope I will live long enough to see our world recover & peaceful for the sake of my kids & grand kids.
Thank you Father God for my beautiful Family, for our Country and the priviledge to live as an American. Please proect our Troops if it be your will and bring them home safe and soon. Lay your healing hands upon those grieving the loss of their loved ones who died 8 years ago today, and bring them peace. Thank you for all my blessings that you bestow on me every moment of my life. Amen.
We Shall Never Forget!